Anti Sllep Alarm Project using IR sensor.

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Joined: Thu Jul 04, 2024 9:41 pm

Objective: The project aims to develop a low cost-effective and reliable anti sleep alarm
designed to prevent accidents caused by drivers fatigue. The device monitors signs of
drowsiness and alerts the driver, enhancing road safety.
Methodology: The device is equipped with Infrared sensor that detects the head
nodding, eye closure, or changes in the posture, which indicate drowsiness. We have
used goggles to attach IR sensors to eye. Upon detecting these signs, the alarm emits a
loud sound as used a 12v buzzer to produce sound of beeps to wake up the driver. We
have used Arudino UNO as microcontroller to control the circuit and a 12V Buzzer, 5V
Relay module to control different terminals and the components used in the circuit and
a 9v battery as power source. The project work on If the driver sleep or his eyes are
closed the car or vehicle will be stopped and not working. The system is designed to be
lightweight, portable, and easy to use, ensuring it can be installed in any vehicle or car.
We can also used a alcohol detector sensor in this device as work as well with both the
sensors. As a model of bike we have used a BO motor.
Innovation: Unlike existing solutions that rarely solely on visual monitoring, this project
integrates multiple sensors to enhance detection accuracy. The focus is on affordability
and easy to use, making it accessible to a larger population.
Excepted Outcomes: The implementation of this device could significantly reduce the
number 9f accidents caused by drowsiness, Potentially saving lives reducing economic
losses due to road accidents.
Target User: Commercial drives, long-distance travelers, and individuals prone to
fatigue during driving. It is a low cost project using ATMEGA328P arudino uno CH340G
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