2.4-inch SPI Interface 240×320 TFT Display Module white screen

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Jayesh. R
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Jul 04, 2024 1:40 pm

2.4-inch SPI Interface 240×320 TFT Display Module white screen is observed when I make other connections, but the same display is being operated by a friend of mine properly. Can you please help me with the code and connection diagram for the same, LCD drive ic is ILI9341.
Posts: 16
Joined: Thu Jul 04, 2024 12:45 pm

Please click on the provided video link, install the necessary libraries as instructed (the link to these libraries is given below), and your issue will be resolved. and check your connection before turning ON.

video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBZlw9KJoz4
library link: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_ILI9341
Posts: 4
Joined: Sun Jun 30, 2024 11:24 pm

Check the display's LED pin was connected to ground. It works in my case
Posts: 14
Joined: Fri Jul 05, 2024 9:35 am

Yes, please check if the connections are proper. Also, there is a J1 pin at the back of the display that needs to be 'short' so that the logic levels of the display and micro-controller match.
And try using different codes and make connections accordingly.
Posts: 16
Joined: Thu Jul 04, 2024 12:45 pm

Please try the provided code, which should resolve all your issues. Remember to short the J1 pin located on the back of the display. Also, ensure the connections are exactly as depicted in the attached image.

This is an example on how to use the 2.2" and 2.4" TFT 240x320 SPI ILI9341 display using the Adafruit library.

ILI9341 TFT SPI display pins for Arduino Uno/Nano:
This is a 3.3V device so you need to put a level shifter on all 5 data pins.
An easy way to do this is to use a 2.2K resistor between the data pin on the display to the pin on arduino, and
another resistor on the side of the display to a 3.3K resistor to ground. This creates a voltage divider to
convert the 5V output of arduino into a 3V logic. Do this for all 5 data pins.
* LED = 10Ω (or more) resistor to 5V
* SCK = 13
* SDI = 11
* D/C = 9
* RESET = 8 or RST or 3.3V
* CS = 10
* VCC = 5V or 3.3V (the display has it's own 3.3V regulator)

Hardware SPI Pins:
* Arduino Uno SCK=13, SDA=11
* Arduino Nano SCK=13, SDA=11
* Arduino Due SCK=76, SDA=75
* Arduino Mega SCK=52, SDA=51

SPI pin names can be confusing. These are the alternative names for the SPI pins:
MOSI = DIN = R/W = SDO = DI = SI = MTSR = SDA = D1 = SDI
CS = CE = RS = SS
DC = A0 = DO = DOUT = SO = MRST
SCLK = CLK = E = SCK = SCL = D0

Ucglib library: https://github.com/olikraus/ucglib

Reference Page: https://github.com/olikraus/ucglib/wiki/reference

List of fonts: https://github.com/olikraus/ucglib/wiki/fontsize

Font Purpose Description:
t = Transparent font, use together with UCG_FONT_MODE_TRANSPARENT. t is identical to h but font size is smaller.
h = All glyphs have common height, use together with UCG_FONT_MODE_TRANSPARENT and UCG_FONT_MODE_SOLID.
m = All glyphs have common height and width (monospace), use together with UCG_FONT_MODE_TRANSPARENT and UCG_FONT_MODE_SOLID.
8 = All glyphs have common height and width, use together with UCG_FONT_MODE_TRANSPARENT and UCG_FONT_MODE_SOLID. Height and width are devisible by 8.

Font Char Set Description:
f = The font includes all glyphs of the original font (up to 256).
r = Only glyphs on the range of the ASCII codes 32 to 127 are included in the font.
n = Only numbers and extra glyphs for writing date and time strings are included in the font.

Recommended fonts end with _mr or _mf
_mr lack some special characters but uses less memory
_mf supports more special characters but uses more memory

Sketch made by: InterlinkKnight
Last modification: 01/29/2018

#include "Ucglib.h" // Include Ucglib library to drive the display

// Create display and define the pins:
Ucglib_ILI9341_18x240x320_HWSPI ucg(9, 10, 8); // (A0=9, CS=10, RESET=8)
// The rest of the pins are pre-selected as the default hardware SPI for Arduino Uno (SCK = 13 and SDA = 11)
int Variable1; // Create a variable to have something dynamic to show on the display

void setup(void)




ucg.setColor(0, 255, 255, 255); // Set color (0,R,G,B)
ucg.setColor(1, 0, 0, 0); // Set color of text background (1,R,G,B)
ucg.setPrintPos(0,40); // Set position (x,y)
ucg.print("Hello"); // Print text or value

// Write to the display the text "World":
ucg.setColor(0, 255, 0, 0); // Set color (0,R,G,B)
ucg.setPrintPos(0,93); // Set position (x,y)
ucg.print("World!"); // Print text or value

// Draw rectangle:
ucg.setColor(0, 255, 255); // Set color (0,R,G,B)
ucg.drawFrame(0, 110, 110, 60); // Start from top-left pixel (x,y,wigth,height)

// Draw rounded rectangle:
ucg.setColor(0, 255, 255); // Set color (0,R,G,B)
ucg.drawRFrame(129, 110, 110, 60, 10); // Start from top-left pixel (x,y,wigth,height,radius)

// Draw filled circle:
ucg.setColor(255, 0, 0); // Set color (0,R,G,B)
ucg.drawDisc(50, 210, 30, UCG_DRAW_ALL); // (x,y,radius,option)

// Draw filled rectangle:
ucg.setColor(128, 0, 128); // Set color (0,R,G,B)
ucg.drawBox(109, 180, 131, 60); // Start from top-left pixel (x,y,wigth,height)

// Draw horizontal line:
ucg.setColor(255, 255, 255); // Set color (0,R,G,B)
ucg.drawHLine(0, 249, 240); // Start from left pixel (x,y,lenght)

// Draw filled rounded rectangle:
ucg.setColor(0, 255, 0); // Set color (0,R,G,B)
ucg.drawRBox(0, 259, 90, 60, 10); // Start from top-left pixel (x,y,wigth,height,radius)

// Draw filled triangle:
ucg.setColor(0, 0, 255); // Set color (0,R,G,B)
ucg.drawTriangle(100,319, 140,259, 180,319); // (x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2)

// Draw circle:
ucg.setColor(255, 255, 0); // Set color (0,R,G,B)
ucg.drawCircle(209, 289, 30, UCG_DRAW_ALL); // (x,y,radius,option)

} // End of setup

void loop(void) // Start of loop

Variable1++; // Increase variable by 1
if(Variable1 > 150) // If Variable1 is greater than 150
Variable1 = 0; // Set Variable1 to 0

char string[10]; // Create a character array of 10 characters
dtostrf(Variable1, 3, 0, string); // (<variable>,<amount of digits we are going to use>,<amount of decimal digits>,<string name>)

ucg.setFont(ucg_font_inb30_mr); // Set font
ucg.setColor(0, 255, 255, 0); // Set color (0,R,G,B)
ucg.setColor(1, 0, 0, 0); // Set color of text background (1,R,G,B)
ucg.setPrintPos(20,154); // Set position (x,y)
ucg.print(Variable1); // Print text or value

if(Variable1 < 10) // If Variable1 is less than 10...

ucg.print(" ");
if(Variable1 < 100) // If Variable1 is less than 100...
// Fill the other digit with background color:
ucg.print(" ");

ucg.setFont(ucg_font_inb30_mr); // Set font
ucg.setColor(0, 0, 255, 0); // Set color (0,R,G,B)
ucg.setColor(1, 0, 0, 0); // Set color of text background (1,R,G,B)
ucg.setPrintPos(147,154); // Set position (x,y)
ucg.print(string); // Print text or value
} // End of loop
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